Does watching football together make you happier?
Watching football together is more fun. This is evident from a survey conducted by Panelwizard on behalf of Ziggo among over a thousand Dutch football viewers. 63% of respondents say that watching football together makes the viewing experience more enjoyable, and nearly 50% indicate that watching together makes them happier. However, not everyone has the opportunity to watch football with others. Seniors aged 65 and over are more likely to watch alone (50%) than other age groups. To address this, Ziggo is organizing ‘Support the Supporter’ over the coming months—special UEFA European football viewing nights for seniors at local football clubs.
According to the National Foundation for the Elderly, 1.8 million seniors in the Netherlands feel lonely. Shared interests and joint activities are a few solutions to combat loneliness. They stimulate the brain, give a sense of participation in society, and increase social resilience.
To better understand where seniors’ needs for social contact lie, a survey was conducted in collaboration with the National Foundation for the Elderly, involving more than six hundred seniors aged 65 and over. Over three-quarters of respondents indicate that neighbourhood activities lead to more social contacts. According to them, sports viewing can play a role in this: 64% say that sports bring people together.
Support de Supporter
To help promote social contact, Ziggo, with the help of the National Foundation for the Elderly, is launching ‘Support de Supporter’ today. The telecom company will host special evenings at more than a hundred local football clubs and associations across the country to watch European football together. These viewing nights will take place from mid-September through January. Both clubs and seniors can sign up starting today via
Kirsten Andres, Executive Director of the National Foundation for the Elderly, says, “Seniors primarily seek connection with others. When they hear about something being organized nearby, they are likely to attend and see if it suits them. The local community plays a crucial role in this, which is why initiatives like Support the Supporter are so valuable.”
From playing together to watching together
Former professional footballer Sjaak Swart (86), a three-time European Cup winner, emphasizes the importance of football in later life: “Although my football career is far behind me, I still enjoy watching games with friends and family—whether live in the stadium or the fantastic European football on television. Viewing nights for seniors at local clubs are a great idea, allowing people to connect and expand their social network.”
Fleur van Beem, Director of Strategy at VodafoneZiggo, adds, “Football unites people and provides a wonderful way to come together, sharing the love for the sport and your club. With Support the Supporter, we’re collaborating with local community organizations in the Netherlands. Football clubs are opening their clubhouses to seniors, allowing them to enjoy football together in a cosy and accessible environment.”
Football clubs and seniors can sign up starting today at
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